The easiest way to get your products into an online store
We are committed to your business’s success by providing you with the best tools to establish your own online store presence on the Internet. Our ecommerce hosting and Shopping Cart is designed to allow an intuitive and easy way for you to create, manage and fully customize your own storefront. Through your own secure control panel, you can add, delete, edit, and tag products, view orders and customer information. In addition, you can set sales tax, payment types, credit cards, configure shipping, assign various discounts, and manage global inventory.
Infinities eCommerce Hosting helps in expanding my market through their online store that is so easy for me. I was up and going in no time. The shopping cart interface is so intuitive leaving me with more time to concentrate on my business. I do not have the time to worry about the technical aspects of it.
Paul Johnson, Red Canopy
Grow your business with a plan that fits your needs